Eatonton-Putnam County Historical Society, INC.
P.O. Box 4322, Eatonton, GA 31024
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About epchs, inc.

The Eatonton-Putnam County Historical Society, Inc. (Society) organized in the fall of 1974 - in the Fellowship Hall of the First Baptist Church of Eatonton - to pull people together to discover, study, document and preserve the written, cultural, environmental (both natural and built), and material evidence of their county’s history, its people, institutions, historic monuments and historic districts. Our organization was recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization in the fall of 1975. In its 40+ years, the Society has documented all these elements and continues to grow, develop and expand its database and collections.    

The Society: (1) collects material illustrative of the history of the area; (2) provides   for the conservation and preservation of these elements; (3) encourages by example the preservation of the community's built environment; (4) interprets its collections and educates its members and the community at large, through the creation of museums, displays, articles, booklets and books, house museums, historic districts, and recognition programs; (5) advocates for the establishment, preservation and revitalization of historic districts, sites and objects; (6) disseminates information and creates interest and support of its mission through publications, tours, programs, exhibitions and other venues of the historic fabric of Eatonton and Putnam County; and (7) co-operates and collaborates with all regional, state and national organizations of like purpose when appropriate in reaching its mission.

The Bronson House, 114 North Madison Avenue, Eatonton, GA, Headquarters of EPCHS, Inc.