The Eatonton-Putnam County Historical Society welcomes everyone who wants to be actively involved in preserving our local history.
Membership Options
- Individual Annual $30
- Couple Annual $50
- Family Annual $60 (includes all children)
- Individual Lifetime $300
- Couple Lifetime $250
Members serve on at least one of several standing and ad hoc committees determined from time-to-time by the Board of Directors with appointments made by the Executive Committee which is made up of the President and Chief Financial Officer, the Vice-President for Internal Affairs, the Vice-President of External Affairs, the Secretary.
Current committees are: Meeting Speakers/Presentations/Events, Social Media, Historic Markers Program, Membership, Property Maintenance & Use, and Research/Archives.
Ad hoc committees created in the past have included: Special Fundraising Projects (tours of homes and historic sites; Pine Grove Cemetery Tours, cook book publication and others); Joint Projects Coordination (usually partnering with other local or state non-profits); Major Publications; and others.
Committees meet as determined by the chairs of the committees who are also appointed for one-year terms by the Executive Committee.
Active members participate in all activities of the society as they wish including general membership meetings, field trips to historic sites both within and outside the county, special events sponsored or hosted by the society and as general support of the organization.
We hope you'll find this site a valuable resource and tool. The president and Social Media manager will send out EPCHS news as it occurs.
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know on our contact page. If you would like to make a donation, please visit our donation page.
Membership Application Form
Your information will NOT be distributed to any source. It will remain confidential to the membership committee.